When faced with the daunting question every student dreads (except accountants and nurses) of “WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO AFTER UNIVERSITY”
for the last four years I have answered “I plan to apply for a Coady
internship,” never quite realizing that the future I spoke of could someday
become my present reality.
Well my friends, I am Ethiopia bound! I have been fortunate
enough to receive the opportunity of a lifetime! I will be working in Addis
Ababa, the Ethiopian capital for six months with Oxfam Canada. The internship
is in partnership with the Coady International Institute (http://coady.stfx.ca/). My official title is an ABCD(Asset Based Community Development) Economic Livelihood &
Market Support Associate with Oxfam Canada- Ethiopia, a title to which I will
hopefully be able to provide more information around in the coming weeks.
As I just graduated from STFX this past weekend I am finding
my life surreal to say the least! What do you mean I don’t have to write any
more papers? Or study for any more tests? And then on top of that, come again?
Im going to be living in an African capital with a population of 3.5 million
people? HA! It shocks me even to say it out loud! Little Stephanie from the
Maritimes in Addis Ababa, who would have thunk it? More than that, how is the
future I spoke and dreamt of for so long my here and now?
While I try to mentally wrap my head around this question
and stop my thoughts from spinning out of control I have also been faced with
the task of fitting my life into one checked hiking pack and a carry on bag for
SIX MONTHS! On this note I would like to give a shout out to Maura Casey
(Mauraincameroon.blogspot.ca) and Shila Leblanc (Shilaandbotswana.blogspot.ca)
two other interns embarking on Coady placements in Cameroon and Botswana
respectively. They have been incredibly helpful in terms our ongoing discussion
around what type of malaria meds we should take, should we bring our XRings?
And honestly discussing our fears, both rational and irrational.
Our orientation starts on Monday the 13th of May
in Antigonish, and while I cannot believe that this is NEXT Monday! I am
incredibly excited to meet the entire cohort of Coady interns (20 total) and
begin this journey of a lifetime!
The entire concept of living in Ethiopia and participating
in a Coady internship feels a little bit like a dream, for better or worse! I
am incredibly excited but would also be lying if I said I wasn’t quite scared!
I do however believe and am clinging to the idea lately that some of the most
exciting things in life are just a little bit scary! If I keep telling this to
myself it has to be true? Right?
Much Love,
Steph MacK
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